Before you apply, it’s worth checking if your business meets the criteria below.
We at Xonder would like to offer an account to as many businesses as possible. But unfortunately, there are some business activities and industries that we can’t support.
So before you apply for an account, we thought it would be useful to see a summary of who we can and can’t support:
Your business must be registered and trading in the UK – however if you live outside of the UK, then your business must be registered and trading within the UK and we require certified proof of address and photo ID.
You’ll need to be a UK resident
You’ll need a UK phone number
You’ll need an iOS or Android device to open and manage the account. For Apple devices, you’ll need to be on iOS 12.2 or later and for Android you’ll need to be on 7.0 or later
Maximum account balance is £100k for both limited companies and sole traders
You have to be 18 or over to open an account
Here are some example activities and industries that we currently don’t support:
Fill in the form below with your question and we will get back to you as soon as possible.